Dr. José Heriberto Espinoza Gómez

Profesor Ordinario de Carrera Titular “C” T.C.

Correo electrónico: hespinoza@uabc.edu.mx

Perfiles e información de investigación:

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9398-7008

Scopus: 8527184600

ResearchID: E-2179-2011

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=pXb8RHMAAAAJ&hl=es&oi=ao


Tema de Investigación:

Desarrollo de nanomateriales (nanopartículas metálicas y nanocompositos) por métodos de química verde y membranas poliméricas, ambos con aplicaciones en medio ambiente.

Publicaciones recientes:

  • Removal and adsorption kinetics of methylene blue dye by pristine cotton husk bracts (Gossypium hirsutum L.) from agroindustrial waste. Industrial Crops and Products 209, 117947, 2024. Ethiel Zavala-Flores, Lucía Z Flores-López, Gabriel Alonso-Nuñez, Heriberto Espinoza-Gómez. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2023.117947
  • Photocatalytic activity of silver nanoparticles@ cellulose nanocomposites, from pistachio husk, in the toxic azo commercial dye degradation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 254, 127805, 2024. Sayra Guadalupe Hernandez-Castro, Lucía Z Flores-López, Heriberto Espinoza-Gomez, Gabriel Alonso-Nuñez. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.127805
  • Photocatalytic degradation of azo dyes by ultra-small green synthesized silver nanoparticles. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 142, 104663, 2023. Sayra Bustos-Guadarrama, Alejandra Nieto-Maldonado, Lucía Z Flores-López, Heriberto Espinoza-Gomez, Gabriel Alonso-Nuñez. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtice.2022.104663
  • Green synthesis of copper nanoparticles using different plant extracts and their antibacterial activity. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10 (2), 107130, 2022. Alejandra Nieto-Maldonado, Sayra Bustos-Guadarrama, Heriberto Espinoza-Gomez, Lucía Z Flores-López, Kendra Ramirez-Acosta, Gabriel Alonso-Nuñez, Ruben D Cadena-Nava. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2022.107130