The program begins on the first day of classes of the semester and concludes three weeks before the last day of classes.

Registration requests for events submitted after that date will no longer be processed.

The system does not allow activities from the last semester to be accumulated with the next.


To register activities within the Facultad de Ciencias Químicas e Ingeniería, you can send email to: fintegral.fcqi@uabc.edu.mx.

For other faculties, you must contact the corresponding person in charge of Integral formation.

The event must meet the characteristics of:

  • Be aimed for all university community, regardless of their academic level (undergraduate, or graduate) or progress in their educational program.
  • Be of generalized knowledge (not specialized or developed in a specific Learning Unit), in spaces and times accessible to all audiences.
  • Activities in which donations are requested do not qualify for the program 8=1.

In order to register an activity in the 8=1 program,, the person in charge of the activity must complete the registration process. It is recommended to carry out the registration process at least 3 weeks in advance so thart you have in a timely manner all the elements that help support your activity.

For registration, the person in charge must provide following information:

  • Email address: (responsible for the activity, the event codes will be sent to this email address).
  • Semester of the current activity: (for example: 2021-1).
  • Name of the applicant: (responsible for the activity).
  • Name of the event.
  • Name of the activity (should not use more than 80 characters).
  • Event date: Event start time: Event end time.
  • Place of the event.
  • Who organizes it: (Group or teacher who organizes and promotes the activity).
  • Category: (Options: Cultural, Sports, Musical, Academic, Technological, Other).
  • Estimated number of participants.
  • Event details: Information that briefly describes the event, or offers a connection link. Maximum 260 characters.
  • Flyer or advertisement for the event (Not essential, but recommended so that students can identify the activity).

Once you have the information described, you can proceed with the 8=1 activity registration request.

The interested party fills out the form (attention, the link changes each semester, verify that you are filling out the form with data from the current semester) to register the elements corresponding to the 2024-1 semester: 2024-1 Form.

Based on the provided information indicated and if authorized by the Faculty Directorate or Subdirectorate, the activity is registered.

Next, the person in charge of the Faculty program will send the event registration codes by email to the person responsible for the activity, in the amount requested by the person responsible.

The Registry will be available to participants within a period of 15 days from the date the activity was carried out.

Once the period has ended, the student will not be able to register the activity through the platform.


It is encouraged that organizers make use of the provided QR codes, since through them, participants can ensure that the activity is registered with their student registration number.

During the session, those in charge will take attendance at the event and if they do not provide QR codes, they must send the attendance list to the person in charge of Comprehensive Training to the email: fintegral.fcqi@uabc.edu.mx.

The attendance list must be sent in a text file in lines (one line per registration number) in a txt or doc type document, separated by commas, or failing that in a spreadsheet in format with a csv extension (comma separated value).

For example, a document related to an event called “Test Event” may contain the information:

  • 1234567, Gomiz Sanchs Margar, Evento de prueba
  • 1234568, Perez Platos Sandr, Evento de prueba
  • Etcetera

Of course, the corresponding value must be replaced with the attendee’s license plate number, attendee’s name, and the name of the registered activity.

It is recommended that they use QR codes because the probability of errors in capturing the student’s Names or Registration Numbers is reduced, since the interested party can provide the corresponding data.


Every month a billboard of cultural, artistic, sports and health prevention events is published, made up of proposals from the Sports School, Faculty of Arts and other Academic Units.

You can consult the event schedule on the page of the Institutional Program of Complementary Comprehensive Training Activities where the calendar of activities registered for the semester appears.

These events will take place from Monday to Saturday at various times and spaces on the Tijuana Campus.

Events are recorded in the system once the sending of relevant information for registration is completed.


Every participant in the program must comply with the Code of Ethics upheld by the Autonomous University of Baja California.

It is considered a practice contrary to the University’s Ethics values to request “virtual stamps” for attendance at two or more activities that were carried out at overlapping times.

In the event of engaging in unethical conduct as described above, the student will be subject to the following sanctions:

  • If it is the first time that the offense is committed, all virtual stamps that have been accumulated up to the moment the unethical conduct was detected will be canceled. However, you will be able to continue participating and accumulating stamps in the different activities of the 8=1 program that are carried out on dates after the moment in which the lack was detected, being able to accumulate 1 credit for 8 registered activities.
  • If the aforementioned practice is committed for the second time, all accumulated stamps will be annulled and the student will no longer be able to participate in the 8=1 program during the school year in which the offense occurred. The student will not be authorized elective credits from the 8=1 program during that semester; However, in the following semester she will be able to participate in the 8 = 1 program again as normal.
  • If the student commits the indicated practice for the third time, the student will lose the opportunity to participate in the 8=1 program for the remainder of his or her degree.


  • Identify that the activity meets the requirements for 8=1 program activities.
  • When it is necessary to obtain authorization from the Faculty Directorate, the Career Coordination, or the group that endorses the activity.
  • Fill out the corresponding registration form at least 36 hours in advance of the date and time the activity takes place.
  • As soon as the person in charge has the opportunity, they will generate the QR codes and send them to the email of the person registered in the registration form.
  • Print the QR codes and deliver them individually to attendees who request them. The QR code is for individual and unique use, once used, another attendee cannot use it.
  • Develop the activity in a timely manner.
  • Inform attendees that it is their responsibility to register electronically, using the QR code within 15 days after the event.
  • Keep an attendance list, with a record of the registration numbers, name of the person attending and the study program from which they come.
  • Comply with the ethical guidelines of the University and those related to the 8=1 program.

Para más información:

Responsable de Formación Integral:

Dr Eduardo Alvarez

Facultad de Ciencias Químicas e Ingeniería. UABC. Campus Otay:  Calzada Universidad 14418 Parque Industrial Internacional Tijuana B.C. 22427 Tel.979 75 00.