The Microbiological Analysis laboratory of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Engineering is dedicated to the provision of specialized services in microbiology, for the food, agri-food, cosmetic and health products industry, as well as the environment.

We also provide services to the community in general to control the microbiological quality of their products, and microbiological clinical analysis.

Services we offer:

  • Sampling
  • Microbiological analysis of water
  • Microbiological analysis of food
  • Environmental microbiological analysis
  • Microbiological analysis of cosmetics, health supplies and medicines
  • Disinfectant evaluation
  • Shelf life of food and cosmetic products (By predictive Microbiology)
  • Microbiology advice

Methods used

  • official mexican standards
  • Mexican standards
  • Codex alimentarius
  • Food and Drug Administration
  • Bacteriological Analytical Manual
  • ISO

Price list


Dr. Lilia Angélica Hurtado Ayala
Head of the Microbiological Analysis Laboratory
Calzada Universidad No. 14418 Parque Industrial Internacional Tijuana.
Microbiology Laboratory 1
Building 6E 2nd. floor
Facultad de Ciencias Químicas e Ingeniería
UABC, Tijuana Campus
Tel. 664 979 75 05 ext. 54324