The Common Courses stage consists of a set of subjects belonging to a group of related Educational Programs in the same field of knowledge, taken during the basic stage. The Common Course is an academic space where a student begins their basic training stage, without the specific career being predetermined. Even though students may have a preference for a particular career from the start, their initial enrollment is in the Common Course, which provides them with the following benefits:
Benefits of the Common Courses:
- Promote basic knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes, and values in students to solve problems and develop their capacities, enabling them to participate in the continuous changes in various fields of society, such as science, technology, art, sports, and culture.
- Acquire logical, critical, and creative thinking.
- Establish interpersonal and group relationships with tolerance and respect for cultural diversity.
- Achieve optimal performance based on basic knowledge and skills for continuous self-education.
- Perform community service integrated into the subjects and connect with different sectors of the community.
Subjects to be completed during the Common Courses stage for engineering:

It is necessary to complete the Common Courses in their entirety to take courses subsequent to this stage. Completing the Common Courses subjects ensures that students have a solid foundation of knowledge and skills, essential for success in more advanced and specialized courses in their career.