UABC offers a process for accreditation and equivalency of studies for those interested in enrolling in programs through the recognition of prior studies. This option is available for students who wish to change their study program, pursue two programs simultaneously, or enroll in a second program after completing the first.

Application Procedure:

  • Access and Registration: Applicants must visit during the dates established by the university.
  • Result Consultation: The application results will be published on the same platform on the indicated date.

Enrollment Requirements:
If accepted, the following documentation must be submitted:

  • Original birth certificate
  • High school diploma
  • Partial transcript of professional studies
  • CURP (Unique Population Registry Code)
  • Medical examination

General Requirements:
For Study Accreditation:

  • Completion and approval of at least one semester or forty credits at the originating Academic Unit
  • Availability of space in the desired program

For Study Equivalency:

  • Completion of the total equivalent units of learning to one academic year at the originating institution
  • Accredited units of learning must be comparable to those in UABC’s study program
  • Final grades of 80 or higher, or their equivalent
  • Availability of space in the desired program
  • Submission of the original partial transcript of professional studies or provisional certificate with cycles and grades
  • Submission of certified copies of the program contents or syllabi for each subject to be equated
  • Submission of the study program (curriculum or course map) of the previous degree

Information and Contact:
General Coordination of Student Services and School Management


Important Note:
Students who have been permanently withdrawn from an program cannot re-enter the same program through accreditation or equivalency, nor through the selection process.